The Why of A-Team

Kids badly lack situational and experiential learning opportunities and experience of nature and the outdoors. A-Team EDventures fills this gap by having kids:

  • Have fun and socialize!
  • Try challenging new things – encounter and effectively manage risks.
  • Collaborate with peers to investigate and problem-solve in new situations.
  • Overcome apprehensions about the unfamiliar/novel – spend time “out of their comfort zone”.
  • Get dirty hands. And relish it! Make mistakes. And bounce back.
  • Try a highly experiential, learn-by- doing approach.
  • Get outdoor experiences with strong curriculum linkages.
  • Reconnect with nature and the environment.
  • Experience and understand a more natural setting and its diverse habitats, away from electronic distractions.

Learning outcomes include:

  • Growing to value the outdoor environment and to want to protect it.
  • New skills: camping/cooking/paddling, etc.
  • Resilience and tenacity
  • Mindfulness and self-worth
  • Confidence and independence
  • Teamwork and social/collaborative skills

We welcome the opportunity to work together to design a well-structured and appropriate programme to reflect what has been covered in recent classroom learning and to create experiential opportunities to bring that classroom curriculum to life so as to extend students’ understanding.

We can also provide post-programme support such as lesson plans and follow up information. Most effective of course is to bring the same group back a year later, involving them in a more advanced, more challenging and a different set of experiential opportunities, building on previous learning.